"Brandon shifts the narrative on Banderastan"
The Saker
The Vineyard of the Saker (August 1, 2022)

By Andrei Raevsky

President “Biden” (i.e. the “collective” Biden, not the actual Bradon) penned an interesting article for the NYT entitled “President Biden: What America Will and Will Not Do in Ukraine“. The entire things is behind a paywall, and it is not really worth reposting it here. But I do want to comment on a few of “Biden’s” theses.

First, I will ignore the obnoxious habit of calling the USA “America”, when just Canada and Brazil alone are almost as big as the USA. Furthermore, the USA is only 9,833,520 km2 (3,796,742 sq mi) while the total area of the Americas is 42,549,000 km2 (16,428,000 sq mi). Finally, there are 35 countries in the Americas but, fine, okay, if saying “‘Murica” evokes imagines of Captain America and waving (Chinese made) flags – then fine. Let’s look at a few key sentences:

Now that is a HUGE change. In Russian, there is this expression of “changing shoes while in mid jump” (переобуться в прыжке) which refers to situation when a person suddenly make a full and instantaneous 180 after pompously insisting on a goal which is now dropped.

The initial plan was simple: to smash the Russian economy, have Putin overthrown in an insurrection of some kind, break apart Russia and then turn towards China and crush it. And, considering the absolutely extreme demonization of Putin, he was clearly designated as the object of total hate by “all of progressive and freedom loving mankind”.

And now “Biden” “generously” will allow Putin to stay in power. Yes, “Biden”, not the fact that the Russian population fully support Putin, and the SMO. How stupid does “Biden” think that we all are?

Anyway, let’s continue,

This entire paragraph can be summarized in all sorts of colorful ways, I will just call in counter-factual and delusional nonsense. Where do I even begin here? Let me describe the realty of NATO here, with a few bullet points.


Another pearl for sure! So after Nuland’s “fuck the EU” we are now told that “Biden” has the utmost respect for the Ukraine and its brilliant leader Zelensky. But nevermind that, the key word here is “territorial concessions”. Here “Biden” is being very slick on two levels:

Next comes this pearl of self-gratification:

REALLY? Might does not make right? But then how was the USA itself born if not under that very principle. And then, the HUNDREDS of military operations and attacks the USA waged against almost every country on the planet in total illegality. How about all the so-called “sanctions” which are all illegal under international law, including various blockades and secondary sanctions. And how about Israel, this genocidal entity which every single US politician piously worships, and which has made “might makes right” its highest religious dogma, that is the entity which the USA has called the “only democracy in the Middle-East” and its closest ally! I submit that instead of the (clearly counter-factual) “in God we trust” the USA should adopt a new motto: “quod licet iovi non licet bovi” which can loosely be translated as “its okay when we do it”.

I could go on parsing this boring text, but here is the conclusion:

The “Biden” administration is now changing its official narrative.

It used to be about ousting Putin crushing Russia, now its about pretending to be strong while preparing the public opinion for the inevitable defeat of not so much the Ukraine proper (that war was lost in the first week of the SMO!), but the defeat of the USA and NATO in this conflict.

Oh sure, depending on the audience, “Biden” will say this, or that, or its opposite or both. That is how western politicians operate. But an opinion piece in the NYT is one of the main ways to send a signal to the ruling elites and the propaganda machine of the AngloZionist Empire. There is no more talk about defeating Russia, only that the Ukronazi regime in Kiev will have to figure out on its own how and when to sue for peace. [emphasis added]
